FREE 5 Days To Be Clutter-Free Challenge

Just a few minutes of focused action every day can be a total game-changer.

Let go of the things that no longer serve you the easy way. 

Join The Waitlist

You can declutter without any overwhelm, indecision, or procrastination.

All you need for this challenge is just 10 minutes a day. Any time of day.

In just 5 days you will: 

Get momentum to clear out the "stuff" 

Tackle the clutter you've been avoiding 

Free up space for things that you DO want

It's time to let go of the things that hold you back

Join The Waitlist

"The challenge changes your life and it's only ten minutes! You can do ten minutes! It gave me the knowledge and oomph to see, even though I have a very busy life, I can find ten minutes to do something extra."

Debra Angus, New Zealand

Does this sound like you?

Stuck in too much stuff, but no time or energy to deal with it

You have closets, cupboards, and drawers exploding with "stuff". It's hard to find things when you need them, and opening any of them is a chore. 

You keep stuffing things back so that you can close the door. It takes way too much time to get anything out of them. You have clothes, shoes, bags that only get worn or used once a season yet you always think "I'll wear it again someday" 

There are stacks of papers in different places you know you need to go through but you keep procrastinating thinking you’ll get to them. But you never do. 

Sometimes you need to get your hands on an important piece of paper but you can’t find it. It’s maddening and you end up feeling incompetent and crappy about yourself. 

You don’t know how or where to start in dealing with all the stuff. You dread starting the process of clearing it out.

You think it will be hard. You know there’s stuff you’ve been meaning to get rid of but then you think, I might still be able to wear it, use it, etc. You know there are way too many more important things to do than take time to declutter so you do nothing but it bothers you that you still have all the stuff everywhere

Join The Waitlist

"Jo is the best in leading you in the right direction. Kind, joyful, and a great example of a woman living a full, authentic life!"

Jackie Fostar

Imagine how you will feel...

When you are no longer irritated, frustrated or drained by clutter

With a pain-free way of organizing and releasing stuff 

With more control over your home and your life

With more space for things you DO want 

With your creativity, energy, and concentration boosted

Sounds Good! I'm In!

"Perfectly timed challenge to help keep me focused on organizing old photos for digitizing. Having the 10-minute clean-outs with other areas of my home really moved this project along."

Kathleen Moore, Florida



Ready to get rid of your clutter?

Yes! It's time to make space for what I really want.

Give yourself a clutter-free life 

Put yourself in charge of your life

Let go of all the stuff that is no longer serving you 

Enjoy more time to spend by yourself and with the people you love.

Stop feeling bogged down or overwhelmed by things that don't matter.

About your host

Hi, I'm Jo. I created this challenge to help you get rid of things in your life so that you have more time for what you truly love. 

I learned a long time ago that having clutter saps your energy and keeps you stuck in less time for yourself, so I'll show you how to get rid of all your clutter in an easy stress-free way. 

I'm passionate about helping busy women let go of everything from too much stuff to negative beliefs about themselves.

Come join our group and let’s have some fun while you're doing something that will give you more freedom and joy right away.
