A 30-day online course for women who want to rid themselves of overthinking, second-guessing, imposter syndrome, people pleasing to fully being able to trust themselves

Before I tell you all about this life-changing program, let's talk about who this is really for...

  • You’re a woman who's exhausted from going in circles for hours trying to make a decision and then second guessing yourself.
  • You often compare yourself to others and think "I'm not as good as they are."
  • You're ready to free yourself of the exhaustion, the wasted time in having to "get it right."
  • You know you need to do stop beating yourself up and overthinking your decisions.
  • You know you're capable of so much more but you don't know where to start releasing this endless mind game. 

By the end of this program:

you will…

  • Know what you want and be able to create what you truly want (instead of hoping that you’ll get what you want in life)

  • See yourself as powerful and good enough instead of choosing to stay in relationships that don’t nurture you or in work positions that are soul-destroying

  • Believe in yourself so that you don’t fear making decisions (even though you may have spent a lifetime struggling making decisions)

  • Identify your inner critics and know how to silence them

  • Trust yourself and not worry about what others think or if you're going to hurt their feelings

There is no one like Jo Hatcher.

She brings her years of experience as both a therapist and coach to her programs and combines everything into deep wisdom.

You will learn from her something not available anywhere else. Work with her.

Helene Van Manen

Master Certified Coach


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Frannie Lessman

I was able to unpack some things that were holding me back. It was so wonderful building a community with an open, supportive group of women. Jo is a welcoming, friendly face ready to meet you where you are without judgment or expectation. 

Joy Nadeau

I find myself stronger and I owe my gratitude to Jo for her openness, her genuine ways, her positive attitude and her visions that she shared with us. Thank you, Jo!

Diane Mueller

Jo has designed retreats that are specific to reflect deeply on life transitions in a safe, nurturing and fun environment. She provides excellent tools that include journaling prompts, uncanny in their ability for behavior changes to enhance your  journey. I highly recommend Jo for anyone needing to overcome anything that may be holding you back."   


Count me in!

Elana Schipps

I attended a weekend retreat with Jo.  Jo was a force: exuberant and nourishing. At that time, I was struggling with uncertainty in my profession and romantic relationship. The retreat helped me fortify my personal strength and weather what was coming my way with competency and confidence. 

Margaret Lessman

I was missing joy and happiness due to the circumstances across the world right now. I was hoping to spark some joy and let go of the stress. After Jo's retreat,  I felt calm and at ease. I felt happy, relieved and connected with myself again.

Reggie Weber

I was struggling with consistency in self-care before Jo's weekend retreat but with the journal prompts, good food to eat, the yoga is what I needed. This retreat was a confirmation that “just doing” to fill our lives is not the answer. It's listening to the messages we get in our minds, our heart and gut that we must honor and take action.

What's Inside

Becoming Unstoppable

Module 1

Know, Like, and Trust Yourself

Here’s why it pays to learn from someone who’s gone before you – I know exactly where most women get stuck in letting go of self-doubt.

We’ll start setting you up for success by getting really clear on where you are now with the end goal of helping you achieve total clarity about where you’re going and HOW you’re going to get there.

You’re going to get on the fast track of knowing yourself, what you've always wanted, even as a little girl, and what you’re longing for now. 

Next, you’ll get really clear on what your strengths are. It’s important to know what you do well so that you can build confidence and be able to be certain and stop second-guessing your decisions.

You’ll identify and remember which skills it took to overcome obstacles you’ve had in your life and know on a deep level that since you’ve already done the hard stuff, you’ll trust that you have what it takes to trust yourself.

Finally, you’ll discover exactly what trips you up and the thinking that keeps you from having what you want so that you can begin to believe and trust yourself.

  • Permission to dream and explore what YOU really want
  • A foolproof way to know that you’re capable of anything
  • Clarity on what keeps you stuck from having what you want

Module 2

Taking Back  Your Power:

We’ll explore where self-doubt originates. The inner critics start early in life and once we’re aware, we can recognize that they’re only thoughts, that YOU are the one in control.

You’ll learn the importance of letting go of the past and the inner critic. You’ll be guided on how to let go each step of the way. This frees you up for more energy and more possibilities for your life.

We’ll dive into my tried and true method of releasing the inner critics that say you’re not good enough, and you’ll come away with a plan to talk back to them.


  • Knowing how to let go of the past and the old beliefs that keep you from having what you want

  • New and proven strategies to talk back to the annoying saboteurs in your head

  • Instantly able to recognize when you have automatic negative thoughts and what to do

Module 3

The Power of Nurturing Yourself  

You’ll learn how to be your own best friend and treat yourself as you would all the other people in your life that you care about. When we can talk to ourselves with compassion and kindness, we recognize that it doesn’t help to beat ourselves up. 

Self-care is a powerful tool to combat self-doubt because when we’re worn down and depleted, it’s easy for our thoughts to go to “you’re not good enough.”

You’ll learn new ways to put yourself first so that you can be aware of the pitfalls when you’re tired or not your best self.

We’ll bump up your awareness on how to deal with the vulnerable times and the triggers that get you off track so that you have a plan for not falling back into self doubt.

Being your own best friend results in less self-criticism and more understanding about ourselves

  • Self-care is the key to knowing that we are important and worthwhile

  • Knowing your triggers for falling back into old patterns and having a plan builds self-confidence

  • Letting go of clutter frees you up to be able to see more clearly what you really want and who you can be.

Module 4

You Can Trust Yourself

You’ll learn all the ins and outs of daily self-care and rituals so that you tell your brain that you're worth it.  

You'll get in touch with your Future Self who will be your guide when you don't know what to do or when you have a difficult time making a decision. 

We'll be focusing on gratitude as a way to enhance your focus on what you DO have vs what you don't in order to create new ways of thinking. 

  • Daily self-care sends a powerful message to yourself
  • Learning what to say to yourself instead of being a victim to your thoughts. 

  •  Accessing your Future Self and other role models will guide you into being the best version of yourself

  • A gratitude practice redirects your thoughts and helps you focus on what you already have. 

When you enroll during this special, limited time, 

you’ll get: 

Becoming Unstoppable...free yourself from self-doubt 
(A $1997 Value)

  • 4 Interactive modules

    These are all designed as a simple method to fully trust and believe in yourself
  • A step by step pathway to overcome self-doubt 

    So that you know that you can do anything you set your mind to, with renewed energy, less stress, more creativity and joy in your life
  • A system to let go of old patterns and thoughts that keep you stuck

    A new way to stop going round in circles in indecision and overthinking

  • A way of taking back your power

    Know how to deal with the nagging thoughts that keep you from having what you want and sapping you of energy and time. 

Plus These Bonuses to Help You Trust Yourself 


Bonus 1

4 weeks of live coaching sessions with Jo inside the private Unstoppable Facebook group for members only

Get unstuck in a matter of minutes and step into your confident power

(A $500 value)

What You’ll Get:.

  • A space to overcome isolation and constantly refill your motivation tank by connecting with other women who "get" the journey and are here to support you
  • When you feel stuck, you can ask questions to help you move forward
  • Knowledge that you're not alone and that overcoming self-doubt is possible and doable

Bonus 2

An active and highly supportive Facebook community with likeminded women to make sure you stay on track and connect with others who are going through this course with you

(A $250 Value)

What You’ll Get:

  • Motivation to stay on track
  • Connection with other women
  • New ideas and strategies
  • Opportunity to give and receive support 

Bonus 3

Making Friends with your Inner Critic mini workshop

A unique approach to dealing with your inner critic, presented by Melisa Quire, artist & Soulcollage presenter

(A $250 Value)

What You’ll Get:

  • A pre-recorded demonstration & mini training with Melisa 
  • Support and new ideas for working with your personal form of self doubt

Plus you'll be backed by a Risk-Free 14 Day Guarantee

Let me say this upfront.

Becoming Unstoppable... is the most comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program for women who are excited and COMMITTED about letting go of self-doubt.

Our community is filled with helpful, motivated, and super supportive members who are dedicated to living their best life, free of self-doubt and fear. When you join, you'll be part of this special group. 

Now here's the kicker. 

By the end of these 14 days, you'll have received access to the first two modules. 

Meaning you'll have had the opportunity to the process of knowing what you want, what your strengths are, and how to talk back to the negative thoughts that make you question yourself. 

You'll feel hopeful, more energetic, and you'll be able to see by these steps that you can trust your power and yourself, just after 14 days. 

If you don't feel totally jazzed and motivated, simply reach out, show us you've put in the work and we'll refund your investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What women asked before signing up for Becoming Unstoppable

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Still thinking about it?

Becoming Unstoppable

is PERFECT for you if… 

  • You're ready to free yourself from self-doubt once and for all
  • You're ready to be the best version of yourself and not held back by your inner critics
  • You're sick of wasting time with perfectionistic behaviors and ready to free yourself
  • You know you can be unstoppable!

I can't wait to guide you to Becoming Unstoppable 

Learning to manage my own self-doubt and trusting myself has literally changed my life.

I created Becoming Unstoppable because I know firsthand how wearing it is to always question yourself, waste time and energy trying to "get it right." 

I’ve experienced first hand what it feels like to transition from the nagging, endless questioning of myself to being in charge of how I choose to think, knowing that I can indeed trust myself. 

If you’re a woman, a mother, a spouse, professional, you owe it to yourself to at least take a risk-free plunge to see what your life as a confident woman can be.

Should you choose to accept my invitation, I personally guarantee that these next 30 days will be completely and utterly life-changing for you. 

And if you decide not to join us, I wish you kindness and compassion with yourself.

I look forward to meeting you personally inside Becoming Unstoppable. 

All my best,



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