5 Best Manifestation Books to Help You Manifest Your Dreams

manifesting Sep 20, 2024

With over 30 years of experience as a life coach, I’ve had the privilege of guiding countless individuals through the process of turning their dreams into reality.

But manifestation isn’t just something I teach—it’s something I live.

Over the years, I’ve manifested everything from my thriving business to more personal desires.

One of my biggest dreams was to travel the world, and through intentional manifesting, I’ve been fortunate enough to visit places that once seemed like distant wishes. From exploring the streets of Baja to climbing Mt. Fuji, these experiences were born from focused energy and belief in the process.

One of the most powerful tools I rely on? The best manifestation books I've been able to find.

Reading about manifestation isn’t just informative—it’s an integral part of the process.

When you immerse yourself in the wisdom and insights of experienced manifestors, you’re not only learning new techniques but also reinforcing your focus on the goals you’re working toward. This consistent focus is key to bringing your dreams into the material world.

Each of the books on this list has played a role in helping me deepen my practice, whether it’s through learning new techniques or simply keeping my mindset aligned with my goals.

I’ve even found that combining the insights from these books with my oracle card readings creates an even more powerful manifestation practice. For example, I often pull a card after reflecting on a key lesson from a book, allowing the energy of the present moment to guide me toward clarity and next steps.

These aren’t just books I’ve read once and put away. They’re filled with dog-eared pages, highlighted sections, and notes in the margins. I’ve gone back to them during times when I’ve felt stuck, and I’ve gifted copies to clients who were ready to take their manifestation practice to the next level.

These are the books that have helped me—and I know they can help you too.

So, get yourself a mug of something cozy and let's snuggle up to a good read!

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What are the Best Manifestation Books?

Manifest (Best for Beginners) | Shop here*

The Power of Now (Best for Spiritual Growth) | Shop here*

Becoming Supernatural (Best Scientifically Backed) | Shop here*

The Science of Getting Rich (Best for Financial Manifestation) | Shop here*

The Soulmate Secret (Best for Manifesting Love) | Shop here*

Ready to start your manifestation journey with ease?

Check out my

10-Step Guide on How to Manifest What You Want

and take the first step toward turning your dreams into reality.

Here's My List of the Best Manifestation Books

When it comes to choosing the right manifestation books, I put my heart into it.

I’ve spent years reading, researching, and testing out different approaches to see what really works—not just for me, but for the clients and friends I share these with.

On top of my own experience, I’ve had conversations with clients and friends who’ve used these books to overcome roadblocks, manifest new opportunities, and change their outlook on life. I’ve also read countless reviews from readers who’ve shared their breakthroughs—whether it’s manifesting a dream job, finding the courage to start something new, or cultivating deeper relationships.

I want to be sure that what I’m recommending isn’t just inspirational fluff but something that truly makes a difference.

These books are the ones I trust, the ones that have helped me, and I hope they’ll do the same for you.

1. Manifest by Roxie Nafousi*

Best for Beginners

Hardcover Pricing: $14.29

Why I Like It: 

This book is the perfect starting point for anyone new to manifestation. I remember recommending it to a client who felt stuck in her manifestation practice, and within weeks, she was already seeing shifts in her mindset and energy. The seven steps Roxie lays out are easy to follow but packed with wisdom. I especially appreciate how she emphasizes self-love as a foundation—something I always stress in my own teachings. If you’re done waiting and ready to take charge of your life, this book gives you the tools to make real changes.

Buy This Book Here

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2. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle*

Best for Spiritual Growth

Paperback Pricing: $8.89

Why I Like It: 

This book has a way of getting to the core of what it means to be truly present. I first picked it up during a period of overwhelm when I couldn’t seem to quiet my mind or stay grounded in the moment. Tolle’s teachings on living in the now didn’t just help me with mindfulness—they shifted how I view my own life altogether. His words opened my eyes to the power of embracing the present moment instead of chasing the next goal or obsessing over the past.

What really struck me about this book was how much peace I began to feel as I applied its lessons. It’s been a key part of my personal growth journey. Instead of feeling like I had to force things to happen, I found myself naturally aligning with what I wanted. Manifestation became less about “doing” and more about “being”—letting the process unfold while staying connected to the now. I’ve seen this book change lives, and it continues to be a foundational tool for me.

Buy This Book Here

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3. Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza*

Best Scientifically Backed

Paperback Pricing: $12.66

Why I Like It: 

If you’re the kind of person who loves to see the science behind manifesting, this one book will blow you away. Dr. Joe Dispenza breaks down the neuroscience of how our brains and energy systems work to manifest what we focus on. Personally, it helped me understand how to align my thoughts with the outcomes I wanted to create, and the results were almost immediate. The best part is how he combines research with practical techniques that you can start using today. I’ve shared this book with clients who wanted to understand the “why” behind manifestation, and it’s been a game-changer for them.

Buy This Book Here

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4. The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles*

Best for Financial Manifestation

Paperback Pricing: $6.89

Why I Like It: 

This classic is essential if you’re ready to take control of your financial future. I’ve personally followed the advice in this book to shift my own money mindset and watched it work wonders for my clients as well. The concepts are simple yet incredibly powerful. Wattles’ teachings have helped me view wealth not as something to chase but as a natural result of focusing on abundance. If you’re working on manifesting more money or success, this book is a timeless resource that should be on your bookshelf.

I also highly recommend pairing this with Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Both books complement each other beautifully—while Wattles focuses on the science behind creating wealth, Hill emphasizes the mindset and principles needed to achieve it. Together, they offer a well-rounded approach to financial manifestation that’s practical and transformative.

Buy This Book Here

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5. The Soulmate Secret by Arielle Ford*

Best for Manifesting Love

Paperback Pricing: $19.99

Why I Like It: 

When I came across this book, I knew it would be a powerful tool for my clients who were struggling to manifest love. The exercises Ford offers go beyond just visualizing your soulmate—they help you clear emotional blocks and truly prepare for the loving relationship you deserve. I’ve recommended this book to many clients who felt frustrated or stuck, unsure if they’d ever find the right partner. After applying the techniques, I’ve seen them experience profound shifts—releasing old patterns and attracting relationships that feel deeply aligned. If you’re ready to manifest love, this guide is one of the most practical and heartfelt resources available.

Buy This Book Here

Image @ Amazon

Making it a Daily Practice

One of the key things I’ve learned over the years is that manifestation works best when it becomes a daily practice.

It’s not just something you do once in a while—it’s about consistently aligning your energy with what you want to create. To make the most of the wisdom from these books, I recommend weaving their teachings into your everyday life.

Start small

Set aside a few minutes each day for reflection, whether that’s through journaling, meditation, reading or visualization exercises.

Writing down your goals in a dedicated manifestation journal is a great way to clarify what you’re working toward and stay focused on it. Visualization is another powerful tool—imagine your goals as if they’ve already happened, and feel the emotions that come with that.

And don’t forget to cultivate self love as part of this process—it’s essential for raising your vibration and manifesting from a place of worthiness. Consistency is key in creating your best life.

What to Do When You're Discouraged

Manifestation isn’t always a straight line, and it’s normal to feel discouraged when things don’t happen as quickly as you’d hoped.

I’ve seen many clients struggle with this, and the biggest hurdle is often impatience or the fear that things won’t work out. When doubts creep in, remind yourself that manifestation is a process—it’s about maintaining faith and consistently aligning your energy with your goals, even when results aren’t immediately visible.

If you find yourself getting discouraged, it might be time to focus on letting go of the need to control the outcome. I’ve written before about how holding onto expectations too tightly can block the very things you’re trying to manifest. Learning to release that grip and trust the process is essential.

When you step out of your own way and let go of limiting beliefs, you open up to new possibilities.

Sometimes, clearing physical space can also clear your mind and energy. Decluttering is a surprisingly effective way to remove stagnant energy and create space for new opportunities to flow in.

Whether it’s a small drawer or your entire workspace, clearing clutter can give you the mental clarity and emotional reset you need to refocus on your goals.

Final Thoughts

Manifestation is a journey that requires both patience and practice. The books on this list are powerful tools to help you stay on track, deepen your understanding, and refine your techniques.

By incorporating the lessons from these books into your daily life, staying focused on your goals, and working through moments of discouragement, you’ll find yourself moving closer to the life you truly desire.

Remember, the magic of manifestation lies not just in what you want but in who you become along the way. Keep believing, keep practicing, and watch as your dreams unfold.

Are you ready to transform your life through manifestation? 

As a life coach, I am dedicated to helping people like you attract the positive changes you desire. 

Whether you're seeking financial abundance, a fulfilling career, or inner peace, I am here to support and guide you every step of the way. 

Don't wait any longer to start manifesting your dreams. Click here to learn more about my life coaching services and schedule a consultation today. Your empowered, fulfilled life is just a click away!

I'm Ready!


What is the best book on manifesting?

The best book on manifesting really depends on where you are in your journey. For beginners, Manifest by Roxie Nafousi is a great place to start with its simple, actionable steps. If you're more interested in understanding the science behind manifesting, Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza offers a fascinating blend of neuroscience and practical techniques. Each of the books I’ve recommended has its own unique strengths, so take a look at the list and choose the one that resonates most with you.

What is the best manifestation technique?

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to manifestation techniques, but some of the most effective include visualization, journaling, and practicing gratitude. Personally, I find that combining these methods creates the best results. Visualization allows you to focus on the life you want, while journaling can help you organize your thoughts and goals. Gratitude shifts your mindset to focus on abundance, which naturally attracts more positive experiences.

What is the best book on the law of attraction?

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is one of the foundational books on the Law of Attraction, particularly if you’re interested in manifesting financial success. It breaks down the principles of attracting wealth in a clear, straightforward way. For a more holistic take, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle is another excellent choice, helping you align with the present moment and attract what you desire by simply being rather than chasing.

Is manifestation real and does it work?

Yes, manifestation is real, but it requires more than just thinking about what you want. It’s about aligning your thoughts, energy, and actions with your goals. From my own experience and the stories of countless clients, I’ve seen how powerful manifestation can be when practiced consistently and intentionally. It’s not magic—it’s about focusing on what you want, believing it’s possible, and taking steps to make it happen.

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