7 Essential Things to Manifest for a Life You Love

manifesting Jul 18, 2024

Some people seem to effortlessly attract the life they want... a successful business, a dream job, a dream house...

A dream life.

Wanna know their secret??

As a life coach with over 30 years of experience, I've helped countless individuals unlock the innate mechanism we’re all born with, allowing them to unleash that powerful inner flow and channel it toward the best things to manifest in life!

And I know what you're thinking, but the truth is, manifestation isn’t just a trendy concept—it’s a powerful tool grounded in both ancient wisdom and modern science.

The science emerging now reveals how our brains are designed to turn focused thoughts into just what we want. By learning and applying these principles, you can start attracting positive changes and experiences into your life.

In this article, we’ll explore 7 transformative things you can manifest to bring more joy, success, and fulfillment into your everyday life.

Let's get started making those dreams come true!

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Check out my

10-Step Guide on How to Manifest What You Want

and take the first step toward turning your dreams into reality.

The Best Things to Manifest

Manifestation can be a powerful tool for creating the life you desire. By focusing on positive outcomes and visualizing your goals, you can attract the changes you want to see in your life.

Whether you're looking to improve your health, foster harmonious relationships, or achieve financial success, these manifestation ideas will guide you toward your dreams.

1. Financial Abundance

Financial abundance doesn't necessarily mean becoming a millionaire. Having enough resources to fulfill your desires and needs without the limits of money is what makes someone abundant.

Manifestation techniques can help us achieve the financial abundance we want in life.

Start with a clear picture of the wealth you desire. Get specific with amounts, monthly or annually. Practice daily affirmations and visualize the exact amount you want to manifest in your bank account.

You can use a photo editing app to place the dollar amount you are trying to manifest into a screenshot of your bank statement and print it out for your vision board. Being able to see it there will be incredibly powerful.

Read books about manifestation and financial strategies to build a stronger mindset. Cultivate an abundance mindset by being grateful for what you already have and staying open to new opportunities that come your way.

2. Life Purpose

Manifesting your life purpose involves aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions to discover and fulfill your true calling. This journey can feel like navigating a rollercoaster of triumphs and failures, but with the right mindset and tools, you can find clarity and direction.

The feeling is key when manifesting your life purpose. Instead of focusing on specific outcomes, concentrate on the sensations and emotions associated with fulfilling your purpose. Reflect on past experiences that brought you joy and fulfillment, and use these memories to generate the feeling of living your purpose. Visualize the activities and situations that make you feel passionate and alive, but even more importantly, immerse yourself in the feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment these activities bring.

Using tools like oracle cards can provide valuable insights and guidance on this spiritual path. These cards can help you become more aware of your inner desires, surroundings, and the people who influence your path. Each reading can offer new perspectives and reinforce your sense of direction.

Set clear intentions about discovering your life purpose. Write down your goals and affirmations, and revisit them regularly. For example, you might affirm, "I am open to discovering my true calling" or "I am aligned with my purpose."

Engage in practices that promote self-awareness, such as journaling, meditation, and mindfulness. These practices help you stay connected to your inner self and recognize the signs and synchronicities that point you toward your purpose.

By consistently aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your intention to find your life purpose, you create a powerful manifestation process. Trust in the journey and remain open to the guidance and opportunities that come your way. Your life purpose will become clearer as you continue to focus on and manifest your true calling.

3. Inner Peace

Inner peace is a fundamental aspect of a fulfilling life, yet modern society's distractions and pressures can make it seem elusive. Manifestation can be a powerful tool to cultivate this essential quality.

Mindful breathing involves focusing on your breath as it enters and leaves your body, anchoring you in the present moment and reducing stress. Body scan meditation systematically brings attention to different parts of your body, promoting relaxation and releasing tension.

Visualization of a peaceful place where you feel completely at ease engages all your senses and enhances tranquility. Cultivating a positive mindset is crucial—start your day by noting what you're grateful for and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

Regular self-care practices, like reading, taking a bath, or walking in nature, help maintain mental and emotional well-being. Equanimity allows you to navigate life's ups and downs without being overly affected.

Incorporating these mindfulness practices into your daily routine can manifest a deep sense of inner peace, reducing stress and anxiety while enhancing overall well-being and clarity.

4. Personal Growth

Personal growth is a continuous journey of self-improvement and learning, guided by the power of manifestation. By setting clear intentions and visualizing your desired outcomes, you can attract opportunities for skill development and self-awareness into your life.

Visualize specific areas for improvement, such as learning a new language, enhancing public speaking abilities, or advancing in a career-related skill. Picture yourself confidently achieving these goals and feeling fulfilled in your progress.

Set achievable goals infused with positive energy. Dedicate 15 minutes a day to learning that new language and set up a spot in your home where you will sit down and practice every day. This will help you visualize yourself there.

Self-awareness is key. Keep a journal to track progress, reflect on experiences, and gain insights into your strengths and weaknesses. This practice will help you understand and appreciate your journey. It is also another form of visualization. The more focus you place on what you want, the stronger and more powerful the magic of manifestation will be.

By manifesting your personal growth goals, you align your actions with your intentions, continuously striving to become the best version of yourself. Embrace this journey with a positive mindset, trusting that the universe will support your aspirations.

5. Good Health

The mind controls the body, so if you want better health, manifestation is a great place to start or include in your current health strategy.

Start by becoming mindful of your beliefs. Notice when you have thoughts about your health and write them down. Do this for a few days, then make a new list of beliefs you want to have about your body. Here are a few examples to get you started:


  • "My body is an incredibly powerful healing machine and knows exactly what to do to heal itself."
  • "I am connected to my body and understand the messages it communicates to me about practical adjustments I can make to support my wellbeing."


Immerse yourself in stories that exemplify these beliefs. They are all over YouTube, and dozens of books have been written on the subject. You can start with Joe Dispenza's story of how he healed himself of a crippling spinal injury with his mind. His book, "Becoming Supernatural" breaks down the science of the mind body connection.

6. Soulmate or Life Partner

The best way to manifest a partner is by focusing on self-love. There's nothing more attractive than a person who is passionate about their interests, has their own opinions and hobbies, and maintains a daily practice. Am I right?

Manifesting love or a soulmate works a bit differently than manifesting other things, but it's quite simple.

Make a list of the qualities you want in your partner to be very specific.

Meditate on how you will feel in the relationship, and by practicing feeling that way already, you will pull that possibility into the present moment. It's not about chasing; it's about attracting.

Self-love practices and personal development are practical actions you can take that will get you closer to meeting that person.

Pro tip: use your past relationships as information to get clear on what you do and don't want. Take some time to journal about each of your past relationships or even relationships you've observed, and make a list of aspects you want and don't want in the relationship you are manifesting.

7. Travel

Whether you're traveling solo, as a couple, or with your family, exploring the world is a dream for many. Seeing the beauty of nature and the marvels of human architecture transports us to a whole new world.

Manifestation can help us attract luxurious and enriching travel experiences. Visualizing our dream destinations is easy because we often imagine our perfect vacation.

To make your visualization more effective, create a vision board. It doesn't have to be complicated; just use simple images of beaches, cruises, and other dream destinations - but the more specific the better!

This practice helps build a strong mindset that attracts your dream vacation.

What is Manifestation?

Manifestation is more than just a buzzword; it’s a profound practice that involves raising your vibration to attract your desires into reality. By aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions, you can create a powerful force that brings your goals to life. Understanding the principles and techniques of manifestation can empower you to shape your future with intention and clarity.

Manifestation Techniques to Manifest Things the Right Way


  • Set Clear Intentions: Be specific about what you want. Clearly define your goals and write them down to solidify your intentions.
  • Visualize with Emotion: Imagine your goals as already achieved. Feel the emotions associated with your success and immerse yourself in the experience.
  • Practice Gratitude: Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations there is. Having a daily practice of gratitude will raise your vibration and make manifestation work that much easier!
  • Take Inspired Action: Manifestation requires more than just thinking positively. Act on opportunities and make decisions that align with your desired outcome.


Accelerating Manifestation Through Decluttering

Manifesting new things in your life can be significantly accelerated by letting go of what no longer serves you. Decluttering your physical, mental, and emotional spaces creates room for new, positive energies and opportunities to enter. Here are some key ways to incorporate decluttering into your manifestation practice:

Physical Decluttering


  • Create Space for New Energy: Removing physical clutter from your home or workspace can invite fresh energy and new opportunities. Clean, organized spaces can enhance your focus and clarity, making it easier to visualize and manifest your desires.
  • Symbolic Release: Letting go of items that no longer serve you symbolically releases old energy and makes way for the new. This act of decluttering can be a powerful signal to the universe that you are ready to receive new blessings.


Mental Decluttering


  • Clear Your Mind: Practice mindfulness and meditation to declutter your mind. This helps reduce stress and mental noise, allowing you to focus more clearly on your manifestation goals.
  • Positive Affirmations: Replace negative thoughts and limiting beliefs with positive affirmations. This mental decluttering helps to align your thoughts with your desired outcomes, enhancing the manifestation process.


Emotional Decluttering


  • Release Emotional Baggage: Let go of past hurts, grudges, and negative emotions. Holding onto these can block your manifestation efforts. Emotional freedom opens up space for positive emotions that attract what you desire.
  • Forgiveness: Practicing forgiveness, both towards yourself and others, can clear emotional blockages and create a positive emotional environment for manifestation.


By decluttering various aspects of your life, you create an environment that is conducive to attracting and manifesting your desires. The clarity and space you gain from this process enable you to focus more effectively on what you truly want, accelerating the manifestation process.

Are you ready to transform your life through manifestation? 

As a life coach, I am dedicated to helping people like you attract the positive changes you desire. 

Whether you're seeking financial abundance, a fulfilling career, or inner peace, I am here to support and guide you every step of the way. 

Don't wait any longer to start manifesting your dreams. Click here to learn more about my life coaching services and schedule a consultation today. Your empowered, fulfilled life is just a click away!

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